
College Commitments April 2020

Posted on April 02, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
Dynamo | Dash Youth is excited to congratulate Meghan Schwertner (Dash DPL '03) in her commitment to the University of North Texas, NCAA Div. I (Conference USA).  She will graduate in 2021.  
The College Center is brought to you by Northwest Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Meghan Schwertner 2021

"I have been a part of the Dynamo | Dash program for the past 3 years. My coaches David DeVerteuil, David Bolton, JD Devore, and Gene VanNess have put in countless hours in my development as a player and teammate. It has been so much fun playing all across the country with my DPL teammates. Playing D1 soccer was my goal and I could not have accomplished it without the Dynamo | Dash Club." Megan Schwertner, Dash DPL '03.


"Megan began competitive soccer with me on one of our Dash South second teams and was playing up an age. Megan showed very good potential and was given opportunities to guest play within the club and eventually she worked really hard for a spot on our Dash DPL team. I wish Megan the very best in her collegiate career." Coach David DeVerteuil, Director of Coaching Girls (South). 

"I have been able to watch Meghan as she has grown into a strong athlete and an impactful soccer player. It's no surprise to me that Meghan is landing in such a great spot as she has had such a committed support team in Mum and Dad and an extremely competitive high school team. The last two years of her club soccer has seen her really develop in all areas of her game.  She’s taken advantage of our Dynamo | Dash Soccer Programs thus helping complete her journey and allowing the necessary exposure that a player needs to get recruited.  She certainly checks all the right boxes for the college coaches watching from the sideline. We wish her all the best and it’s now our job at Dash to continually support and improve her performance until she graduates prior to moving to the next level." Gene Van Ness, DPL Head Coach.

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The club currently has thirty five (36) players that have committed from the 2020 and 2021 respective graduation classes and has had four hundred and fifty four (454) players that have played in college since 2006.  The club's coaching staff will continue to provide professional guidance for all its current prospective student - athletes that are enrolled in the College Center Program.

Questions - please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations / College Center Director at

College Center Information

The College Center Program is brought to you by:

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

DDY_Official_Logo-1The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in College

Club Update: COVID-19 (Spanish)

Posted on April 01, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

Para: Miembros de Houston Dynamo | Dash SC
De Parte: Don Gemmell, Director Técnico
Re: COVID_19  Actualizar - Suspensión de las actividades de fútbol desde ahora hasta el 4 de Mayo

31 de Marzo, 2020

Queridos miembros de Houston Dynamo | Dash SC,

En el club estamos comprometidos a apoyarlos a través de las condiciones sin precedentes que estamos viviendo juntos. Gracias a usted por tomar esta situation de COVID-19 en serio. Los sacrificios que está haciendo durante este tiempo (cancelar reuniones y distanciamiento social de familiares y amigos) no son en vano. Estos son increíblemente importantes, ya que estamos haciendo todo lo posible para frenar la propagación y aplanar la curva de esta pandemia.

Estamos trabajando en estrecha colaboración con las autoridades de salud pública, locales y estatales, ya que siguen protocolos para investigar y notificar a cualquier persona que pudo haber estado expuesta a alguien que da positivo.

Como saben, tomamos el paso inusual de suspender todas las actividades de fútbol ​​originalmente hasta el 13 de Abril. En consideración a la última orientación del gobierno federal, estamos extendiendo esa suspensión hasta el 4 de Mayo. Creemos que éste es un momento muy importante en nuestra batalla para contener la propagación del coronavirus y estamos convencidos de que un enfoque más riguroso ahora, hará una gran diferencia. Estamos trabajando en colaboración con las autoridades de salud pública locales y estatales mientras seguimos sus protocolos. Más adelante en Abril, el club proporcionará actualizaciones como las vayamos recibiendo. Por supuesto que todos esperamos volver a jugar lo antes posible, pero la salud y la seguridad de nuestros jugadores, padres, árbitros y personal del equipo son nuestra prioridad número uno.

En este momento, no hemos tomado decisiones definitivas sobre el regreso a nuestras diversas programaciones en las varias locaciones. Nos estamos comunicando semanalmente con nuestros funcionarios de la escuela y la liga, nos guiaremos en gran medida por lo que creen que tendrá más sentido dado a los muchos desafíos que existen para nuestras familias.

Prácticamente todos nuestros socios de la liga nos han dicho que tienen la intención de completar sus temporadas de primavera, aunque eso podría significar jugar juegos de la liga en Junio y Julio.

Sabemos que algunos padres preocupados están pidiendo reembolsos a algunos entrenadores. Creemos que hasta que se establezca una fecha de regreso al juego, y las ligas acuerden lo que sucederá con la temporada de primavera, la discusión sobre los reembolsos es prematura.

Nuestro increíble personal está trabajando para mantenerse involucrado con nuestros jugadores a través de nuestra Plataforma De Desarrollo De Jugadores en línea, College Fit Finder y videos / juegos interactivos. Nosotros, el personal de entrenadores y administrativo, estamos disponibles para su contacto en cualquier momento. ¡Estamos todos juntos en esto!

En nombre de la Junta Directiva y el personal de Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club, les deseamos a todos buena salud y un rápido regreso a la normalidad.



Don Gemmell
Director Técnico






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College Center Webinar

Posted on March 28, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
 College Fit Finder

College Fit Finder will host two webinars for the following areas of the club on the dates below. 

Boys & Girls Development Academy | Development Player League:

When: Tuesday March 31st at 4:00pm (CST)
Who:  All players that have access to the program and / or have been invited by their coach / DOC 
Requirements: Register prior to the session, computer & log-in access
Topics: Recruiting process; contacting college coaches; things to accomplish while away from the fields
Questions -

Competitive Players:
When:  Thursday April 2nd at 5:00pm (CST)
Who:  All players that have access to the program and / or have been invited by their coach / DOC
Requirements: Register prior to the session; computer & log-in access
Topics: Recruiting process; contacting college coaches; things to accomplish while away from the fields
Questions -

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Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in College

Local Community Support

Posted on March 22, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
The club continues to make a positive impact in our local communities by promoting how we can support our small restaurant business partners, below is information about the hours of operation and the services offered. Please consider supporting the restaurants that support your club.  These establishments will be featured on social media this week - THANK YOU!

Mias_Closure Online and To-Go

Monday's Featured Restaurant:

All Mia’s Table restaurant locations are open from 11:00am - 7:00pm for take-out including beer and wine.

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels. Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Community Outreach

Natalia Astrain - U15 US Girls National Team Staff

Posted on March 21, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
us soccer logo 2016-1
Congratulations go to Coach Natalia Astrain (Houston Dash Development Academy) who was selected to work at the U15 Girls National Team camp which was recently held March 2-8 in Carson, CA. 


Astrain"It was an awesome experience. I was honored to wear the crest and work with the most prestigious women’s soccer federation in the world. I’m very excited to have had the opportunity to impact this amazing group of players and contribute to their journey. I got to work with a professional coaching staff to help create an optimal environment for player development. I’m looking forward to bringing everything I learned back to the DASH players." Natalia Astrain, Houston Dash Development Academy Coach / U15 GNT Staff Coach.

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“Congratulations to Natalia.  Having being called into a youth national team camp is a very rewarding experience and we’re all delighted for her.” Mark Gibbs, Girls Development Academy Director.


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in National Team

Club Update: COVID-19

Posted on March 20, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

To:  Houston Dynamo | Dash SC Membership
From: Don Gemmell, Technical Director
Re: COVID-19 Update - 
Suspension of Soccer Activities now through May 4


March 31, 2020

Dear Dynamo | Dash Youth membership:

We at the club are committed to supporting you through the unprecedented conditions that we are experiencing together. Thank you for taking COVID-19 seriously. The sacrifices you’re making during this time – canceling gatherings and social distancing from family and friends – are not in vain. These are incredibly important as we are doing all we can to slow the spread and flatten the curve of this pandemic.

We are working closely with local and state public health authorities as they follow their protocols for investigating and notifying any individuals who may have had exposure to an individual who tests positive.

As you know, we took the unusual step of suspending all soccer activities, originally through April 13th. In consideration of the latest guidance from the federal government, we are extending that suspension through May 4. We believe this is a very important time in our battle to contain the spread of the coronavirus and are convinced that a more rigorous approach now will make a big difference. We are working closely with local and state public health authorities as we follow their protocols for medical and public health guidance. Later in April, the club will provide updates as we know them. While we all hope to return to play as soon as possible, the health and safety of our players, parents, referees and team staff are our number one priority. 

At this time, we have made no definitive decisions about the return to our various programming at our many locations. We are communicating with our school and league officials weekly and will be guided largely by what they believe will make the most sense given the many challenges that exist for our families.

Virtually all of our league partners have told us they are intent on completing their spring seasons, even though that might mean playing league games into June and July. We know that some coaches are being asked about refunds by concerned parents. We believe until a return-to-play date is established, and leagues agree on what will happen with the spring season, discussion of refunds is premature.

Our incredible staff are all working to stay engaged with our players by our on-line player development platform, College Fit Finder, and interactive videos/games.  We, the coaching and administrative staff, are available for you to reach out to at any time. We are all in this together!

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff of Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club, we wish all of you good health and speedy return to normalcy.


Don Gemmell
Technical Director






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College Commitments Increase

Posted on March 19, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
Dynamo | Dash Youth is excited to congratulate the following new players that have committed to their schools of choice:
  • Eduardo Morales CortazarIllinois Institute of Technology (2020)
  • Kennedy HarrisUniversity of Mary Hardin - Baylor (2021)
  • Austin BrownAustin College (2020)

The College Center is brought to you by Northwest Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Eduardo Morales 2020

"I am extremely blessed and excited to announce that I will be continuing my soccer career and education at Illinois Tech. I look forward to joining the Hawk community this upcoming fall. I would like to thank all of my teammates and the Dynamo coaches especially Benny and Danny for their guidance and support on and off the field. Most importantly though, I want to thank my parents for all their encouragement and support.  Go Hawks!" Eduardo Cortazar, Dynamo South 01/02 PA.
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Kennedy Harris 2021
"I have spent so much time on the sport I love and it’s exciting to see all my years of hard work pay off. This couldn’t have been possible without the help from all my teammates and coaches along with the intense competitive environment in the Dash Development Academy." Kennedy Harris, U17 Dash Development Academy.

Austin Brown 2020
"I am very excited and honored to be continuing both my academic and playing career at Austin College. I would to thank all of the Dynamo coaches that have helped me throughout my journey especially Coach Benny and Coach Ricky for providing advice on and off the pitch. I would also like to thank my parents for all the sacrifices they have made to help make my dreams a reality. I am very excited for what is to come. Go Roos!" Austin Brown, Dynamo South 01/02 PA.

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The club currently has thirty five (35) players that have committed from the 2020 and 2021 respective graduation classes and has had four hundred and fifty three (453) players that have played in college since 2006.  The club's coaching staff will continue to provide professional guidance for all its current prospective student - athletes that are enrolled in the College Center Program.

College Center Information

The College Center Program is brought to you by:

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in College

Spring Break Skills Camp 2020

Posted on March 14, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
The club held its Spring Break Skills Camp at Bear Branch Sports Fields in The Woodlands on March 9-10 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.  The camp was brought to you by Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

 Spring Break Camp 2020
"The holiday period is always a time to offer soccer programming for our members that want to further develop their talent and have some fun while on break.  This camp was very enjoyable for all the players and staff involved." David Hubbard, Director of Coaching - Kingwood Boys / Spring & Fall Camp Coordinator.

The Spring Break Soccer Camp was brought to you by:

northwest oral new logo white background 9-10-18


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Camps

College Commitments - Graduation Class 2020

Posted on March 14, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
Dynamo | Dash Youth is excited to congratulate Gunner Barry (Dynamo South 02 / East Texas Baptist University - NCAA Div. IIIand Antonio Gachineiro (Dynamo Tomball 01/02 PA / University of Dallas - NCAA Div. III). The College Center is brought to you by Northwest Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Gunnar Barry 2020
East Texas Baptist U logo
"Goals are met through hard work even in the face of failure. Thank you Coach Richy." Gunner Barry, Dynamo South '02.

"Gunner is an extraordinary and outstanding goalkeeper, who deserves to win and play college soccer. He possesses leadership on and off the field and is a great person and gentleman. Gunner is a reliable and committed player to his team and to the game.  Many of his saves during games has impressed me mainly on his ability, power and agility. He organizes his defenders very well on set pieces and is a great communicator. He makes a big difference on the team by showing his talent and will be a great asset in college soccer."  Coach Richie Pardo, Head Team Coach, Dynamo South '02.

Eduardo Gachineiro 2020
University of Dallas

"Houston Dynamo helped me play at a competitive level again and exposed me to many showcases at which college coaches were in attendance.  Coach Diego did a great job recovering my confidence and getting the best out of me." Antonio Gachineiro, Dynamo Tomball '01/02 PA.

"It's great news to see Antonio committing to collegiate soccer and furthering his education. He's a very hard working young man and I wish him all the success at the University of Dallas." Coach Diego Copa, Director of Coaching - Klein.

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The club currently has thirty two (32) players that have committed from the 2020 and 2021 respective graduation classes and has had over four hundred and fifty (450+) players that have played in college since 2006.  The club's coaching staff will continue to provide professional guidance for all its current prospective student - athletes that are enrolled in the College Center Program.

College Center Information

The College Center Program is brought to you by:

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in College

College Commitments - March 2020

Posted on March 12, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
Dynamo | Dash Youth is excited to congratulate the following two players in their commitment to college soccer: Amasan Agbu (University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, NCAA Div. III)Harland Acker (University of Dallas, NCAA Div. III).

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"First of all, I thank God for giving me this opportunity. I’m very thankful to all the coaches at Dynamo for welcoming me with this being my first year, supporting me through my injury and getting back on the field. It was at a showcase with this team that I was recruited and will forever be thankful for them. I thank my parents and younger brothers for always encouraging me and being there for everything. Lastly I want thank Coach Brad for giving me this chance. The visit I had to UMHB, along with the talk with Coach Brad and Coach Allen played a huge role in my decision. Thank you everybody!" Amasan Agbu, Dynamo Tomball 01/02 PA.

Mary Hardin Baylor

Acker 2020

"I started off this fall season not knowing if I would want to commit to playing college soccer. Throughout the season coach Diego was a huge influence on me and my decision to commit to playing soccer and pursuing any opportunities I could get a hold of."  Harland Acker, Dynamo Tomball 01/02.

University of Dallas

Diego Copa 2020
"These two young men have worked tremendously hard in the program and we look forward in continuing to follow their success in their future academic and soccer endeavors at the collegiate level."  Diego Copa, Director of Coaching - Klein.

Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 9.18.56 AM
Screen Shot 2020-03-11 at 10.52.59 AM
The club currently has thirty one (31) players that have committed from the 2020 and 2021 respective graduation classes and has had over four hundred and fifty (450+) players that have played in college since 2006.  The club's coaching staff will continue to provide professional guidance for all its current prospective student - athletes that are enrolled in the College Center Program.

College Center Information

The College Center Program is brought to you by:

northwest oral new logo white background 9-10-18

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in College


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