
D.R.E.A.M. 2019-20

Posted on January 25, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
The club continue to support groups across the world that are in desperate need for soccer equipment and supplies.  The following equipment was collected in the fall 2019 season and then shipped out to four clubs / support groups in Honduras and Nigeria.
  • 12 boxes of cleats
  • 13 boxes of soccer balls
  • 24 boxes of uniforms
  • 12 boxes of training shirts/GK gloves/backpacks/socks/shinguards

Honduras in Dynamo training shirts

Honduras in Dash uniforms

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The Mission of ROSE is to help the people of Honduras by collecting, transporting and delivering items critical to organizations, programs and projects that directly improve the quality of local life.
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The club has and will continue to collect soccer equipment each fall.  The collected equipment will be then donated and flown to Honduras by Captain Lynn Rippelmeyer, current President of the Board of Directors. 

If anyone is interested in assisting the DREAM program coordinator, please contact Kasia Hickey via email at or by phone (281) 772-6987.  

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650.

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Partnerships

Recreational Soccer Program Spring 2020

Posted on January 23, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
Register Now!  The club is currently registering all their spring Recreational players for programs across Houston within the age groups of 3-18.  The Recreational Program is the foundation of the club coached by volunteer coaching staff which offers programming in both the Fall and Spring seasons.  One team practice & game per week, plus optional skills training along with Street Soccer. Come and join in the fun with Dynamo | Dash!
The Recreational Program is brought to by:

Recreational Program Information - CLICK HERE!

Enjoy a fun introduction to soccer, skills training for players, and education for volunteer coaches. 

Recreational 3 

Firstclass soccer facilities are located in a supervised, safe environment, and we provide full-time office support as a service to all members.



Recreational 3

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“The Recreational Program is the building block of the entire club and is vital part of the club's developmental pathway for player development. I would like to thank all the volunteer coaching staff, players and referees in making this program a fantastic success.  We look forward to working with all the players and coaching staff in the coming weeks."  Marcus Watt, Director of Coaching - Recreational.

Recreational 6

Contact Wings 'N More for all your post team training / game day restaurant needs:

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Recreational

ODP Club Success 2019

Posted on January 14, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

The club is very proud to announce the following people having being selected to represent the club within the South Texas Olympic Development Program.

Grace Richard Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2003
Meris Cody Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2003
Averie McFarland Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2003
Ashlyn Neireiter Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2003
Marilyn McBride Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2003
Catherine Plagens Dash DPL U17 2003
Anna Sturgis Dash West 04 PA 2004
Luann Drake Dash West 04 PA 2004
Mandi Boudreaux Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2004
Abigail Hickman Dash Beaumont 03 PA 2004
Lyric Barr Dash West 05 PA 2005
Allyson Townsend Dash DPL U15 2005
Madison Carney Dash Woodlands 05 PA 2005
Laurie Jones Dash South 06 PA 2006
Skylar LeBlanc Dash South 06 PA 2006
Abigail Agosta Dash DPL U13 2007
Rhegan Coombs Dash West Orange 07 2007
Addison Stewart Dash Beaumont 08 Orange 2008
Zoe Miles Dash South 08 PA 2008
Savannah Schult Dash South 08 PA 2008
Brenna Jorde Dash Woodlands 08 PA 2008
William Spellman Dynamo Woodlands 03 PA 2003
Javier Garcia-Del-Toro Dynamo West 02/03 PA 2003
Adrian Cruz Dynamo Woodlands 03 PA 2003
Joshua Bull Dynamo Woodlands 03 PA 2003
Emanuel Delapaz  Dynamo South 03 PA 2003
Christian Medrano Dynamo South 03 PA 2003
Carlos Pineda Dynamo South 03 PA 2003
Tyler Kees Dynamo Humble 03 PA 2004
David Jackson Dynamo Tomball 04 PA 2004
Alessio Di Pippo Dynamo Tomball 04 PA 2004
Ryan Lucey Dynamo Woodlands 05 PA 2005
Noa Stasic Dynamo West 05 PA I 2005
Milton Sierra Dynamo West 05 PA II 2005
Austin Rule Dynamo Woodlands 05 PA 2005
Nelson Perez II Dynamo Woodlands 05 PA 2005
Vladyslav Froimson Dynamo Woodlands 05 Orange 2005
Sebastian Faudoa Dynamo Woodlands 06 PA 1 2006
Isaac Guillory Dynamo Woodlands 06 PA 2006
Luis Martinez Dynamo Woodlands 06 PA 2006
Jason Pirir Dynamo Woodlands 06 PA 2006
Colin Ostrowski Dynamo Woodlands 07 PA II 2007
Sean McEvoy Dynamo Woodlands 07 PA I 2007
Harry Coombs Dynamo Woodlands 07 PA II 2007
Joshua Endler Dynamo Woodlands 07 PA II 2007
Salam Sharif Dynamo Catalyst 08 2008
Ángel Alvarado Dynamo Catalyst 08 2008
Ristenroy Madrid Dynamo Catalyst 08 2008
Rodrigo Socas- Gonzalez  Dynamo Catalyst 08 2008
D’Engelo Mendoza Dynamo Catalyst 08 2008
Erion Hyseni  Dynamo Catalyst 08 2008
Ryan Benes Dynamo Catalyst North 08 2008
Alejandro Domezain Dynamo Catalyst North 08 2008
Patrick Pose Dynamo Catalyst North 08 2008
Patrick Cleveland Dynamo Catalyst NE 08 2008
Charley D’andrea Dynamo North Catalyst 09 2009
Juan Mauricio Dynamo Montgomery 09 Orange I 2009
Kenzo Fujigaki Dynamo North Catalyst 09 2009
Grayson Glick  Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009
Ty Fernandez  Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009
Nathan Alonso  Dynamo Academy NW Catalyst 09 2009
Kade Taylor  Dynamo Academy NW Catalyst 09 2009
Caden Baba Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009
Hugo Bonjour  Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009
Jack Dumas  Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009
Rafael Hall Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009
Marshall Pierrel  Dynamo Academy Catalyst 09 2009

Training Information - CLICK HERE!

Regional Camp Information - CLICK HERE!

International Travel Information - CLICK HERE!

The following Houston Dynamo | Dash Coaching Staff are currently working within the Olympic Development Program:  Diego Copa (boys); Rodo Castilla (boys), Efrain Infante (boys) and Jason Madvig (girls).



 "The ODP is an additional development pathway available for our players and supported by our club.  It's great to see so many from our club represent South Texas in the ODP program.  We are proud of our players and wish them the very best as they compete against the other states in our region."  Randy Evans, Director of Coaching - Girls.   


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Partnerships

Houston Winter Break Cup 2019

Posted on December 18, 2019 BY Simon Boddison
Houston Winter Break Cup Logo 6-25-19
The club hosted its annual 8th Houston Winter Break Cup 2019 at Centennial Park for over ninety (90) teams on December 14 & 15, 2019 with U9 - U15 age groups in attendance.  
    • 90 teams
    • 7 v 7; 9 v 9; 11 v 11 format
    • 1,700 players
    • 28 clubs represented

Winterbreak Cup 2019 Dynamod


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Winterbreak Cup 2019 Dynamo

Winterbreak Cup 2019 Dasha

Winterbreak Cup Dynamo1 

Winter Break Cup 2019 

Winter Break Cup 2019a

Winterbreak Cup 2019h 

Winter Break Cup 2019b 

Winter Break Cup 2019 Dash 


"We want to thank the teams that came out to support the Winter Break Cup 2019. The tournament hosted 28 different clubs and it was a fantastic environment. It was great to see the fields completely packed and so many players competing as well as having fun." Randy Evans, Director of Coaching - Girls.

The club would like to thank Fine Design T-Shirt Company for providing quality product for the members and our guest teams to purchase.
Fine Designs Winterblast 2019
Fine Designs 2019


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Partnerships, Tournament

DA Boys Development Academy Winter Showcase | CUP 2019

Posted on December 18, 2019 BY Simon Boddison
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U17DA Florida 2019
Pictured above:  U17 Boys Development Academy.


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Boys Development Academy Results:
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Player Quotes / Reflections:

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"My experience at the DA Winter Showcase was both fun and resourceful. To have the opportunity to travel, eat and swim with my teammates, while also showcasing my talent and skill to almost every college is sensational. As a young athlete, I have to stay on top with my grades and soccer simultaneously. Studying hard and reviewing for school is my part, while Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth provides several windows of opportunities for me and my teammates to showcase our talent which will guide us in our soccer career.

I've been in this club for 11 years now and I consider Houston Dynamo Youth my second family. The bonds of my teammates and coaches are totally unique while the desire to win and improve cannot be found elsewhere. I'm very grateful for all this club has given me." Siddiq Leezar, U17 DA Defender | Team Captain.

U17DA Florida Half Time 

Pictured above:  U17 Boys Development Academy
Overall Record: 2W – 1L – 0T
Head Coach: Miguel Becerra

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"My experience at the showcase was wonderful and I got to play against all the top DA players and teams in the DA Cup. It was great knowing I was competing against the best talent in the US. I’m glad I got to play with my teammates and I was so excited to showcase my talent in front of the professional scouts and college coaches watching our games. Yes, I was a little nervous but I just took care of what I needed to do, played my game, did what I could do best to help my team get the win. I can’t wait for the next amazing experience like this one.

This will help my soccer career by being able to get into college hopefully at the NCAA Div. I level.  I just want to continue my career doing what I love most in life which is playing soccer and to obtain an educational degree. One day I would like to make it to a professional league. I know it’s not easy, but it’s not impossible and it's up to me to make it happen. I know the showcase was helpful because of the amount of college coaches and professional scouts watching.

I am so happy with this club since the moment I joined as there was a true connection. I love the staff, coaches and directors. This club is like a family.  We treat each other with respect and there is a lot of love for everyone at the club. My teammates are the best and we all get along very well on and off the field, we have that connection that makes us play great together. All my teammates know I love them like brothers. My coaches and I have such a great bond and they push you to do your best and to excel. Yes, they are hard on me, but I like that because I know they’re trying to get the best out of me to make me into a better soccer player and person." Nathan Lopez, U17 DA Forward.

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"My experience attending the showcase was great especially because it was my first ever. It was amazing to see all the great talent around the U.S. and also getting to showcase all our talent in front of the college coaches.  It was truly a good opportunity for me and every youth athlete present. This will help me with my soccer career for many reasons. Going to the DA showcase gave me so much exposure in front of many colleges and allowed me to see where my playing ability was in comparison to the other players at the event.  After this showcase, it made me more motivated to always work hard to achieve my goals. 

I love playing with this club. Right from the start, they made me feel like family. The coaches are amazing and they always push me past my best abilities. They have taught me so many things in such a short amount of time. My teammates and I have built a bond that can’t be broken, and they will forever be my brothers." Jonathan Abusada, U17 DA Midfielder.


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Tournament

DA Girls Win Big - Development Academy Winter Showcase | Cup 2019

Posted on December 17, 2019 BY Simon Boddison

DA Showcase Girls 2019
Pictured Above:  U17 Houston Dash Development Academy go undefeated and are currently one of the top eight (8) teams in the country to progress to the quarter-final stages which will be played in North Carolina (April - May, 2020)

U17 GDA Showcase 2019
The games were played at Lakewood Ranch, FL - December 9-14, 2019.

Attending College Coaches - Houston Dash Development Academy:
'02 DA Girls - 100 (1st in Bracket)
'03 DA Girls - 152 (1st in Bracket and advanced to quarter finals in Spring)
'04 DA Girls - 100 (2nd in Bracket)
'05 DA Girls - 36 (2nd in Bracket)
Total:  388

Girls Development Academy Winter Showcase Results 2019

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Girls Development Academy Spring Showcase 2020

U14: May 1- 4
U15: April 29 - May 2
U16: April 29 - May 2
U17: April 30 - May 3
U18/19: May 1 - 4

05 DA Girls Winter Showcase 2019
Pictured Above: 05 Girls Development Academy.

02 Girls DA Winter Showcase 2019

Pictured Above: 02 Girls Development Academy.

 04 Development Academy Winter Showcase 2019

Pictured Above:  '04 Girls Development Academy.

 Beach Pic Winter Shocase 2019

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"The teams earned some fantastic results finishing first and second respectively in their brackets against some top national competition.  We're the only club in Houston that provides the highest level of youth soccer offered in the country so attending these type of events is crucial to providing a platform for our players to perform. The U17 DA team dominated at the Winter Showcase / DA Cup and all the college coaches were present. The club has a responsibility to provide a pathway into the collegiate environment and we will continue to work with all our prospective student-athletes to complete the process."  Mark Gibbs, Girls Development Academy Director.  


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Tournament

3v3 Winterblast 2019

Posted on December 14, 2019 BY Simon Boddison
Winterblast Logo 6-25-19-1
The club hosted its 14th annual 3 vs. 3 Winterblast Tournament at Bear Branch Sports Complex presented by Gatorade on Saturday, December 14, 2019.  Games were played on grass and the state of the art FIFA approved turf over a twelve hour period for the ages of U5 - U14 Boys / Girls.
    • 220 teams
    • 1,400 players
    • 450 games
    • Juggling Station
    • Soccer Tennis
    • Live DJ
    • Dance Competition
    • Best Uniform Award


Wintterblast 2019 Gatorade
Players quenching their thirst at the Gatorade Hydration Station.  Multiple stations were based across the tournament campus to provide re-hydration for all the players, parents and spectators.
G Bolt - Full Color - Black - PNG

Winterblast Staff Dash Pro 2019
Dash Professional player Kayla McCoy with HDDY Coaching Staff

Winterblast 2019-1

Dash Professional player Kayla McCoy signing autographs and taking pictures.

Winterblast 2019a-1

Winterblast Juggling Winners 2019

2019 Winterblast Dance Champions - Santa Squad!

Winterblast 2019c

"Another great event of soccer in perfect weather conditions to round off a tremendous fall season.  Record breaking numbers along with some outstanding costumes and an array of festival activities.  I would like to thank everybody involved for making this the best small sided annual soccer tournament in Houston."  Milton Arraez, Tournament Director.

The club would like to thank the following food partners for donating food - Wings 'N More; Potbelly, Lennies Grill & Subs and for Memorial Hermann for providing the first class medical care.  A huge thank you to the Dynamo | Dash grass roots marketing team for being on site and interacting with all the players throughout the day and for the Fine Design T-Shirt Company for providing quality product for the members and our guest teams to purchase.
Fine Designs Winterblast 2019


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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Partnerships, Tournament

Breast Cancer Awareness Program 2019

Posted on December 12, 2019 BY Simon Boddison
The club recently wrapped up its annual Breast Cancer Awareness Program led by the Girls Development Academy sponsored by Hunter Family Orthodontics.  The money raised will help off-set some Girls Development Academy program costs, plus a donation of $6,000 was provided to In the Pink of Health / Memorial Hermann Foundation.
Pictured above - Houston Dash Development Academy '06-'07

BCA Full Picture 2019

Pictured above:  Houston Dash Girls Development Academy / Development Player League

BCA Simon Ladies
Pictured above: Check presentation - Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations; Anne Wolford, Principal, The Wolford Group; In the Pink of Health Co-Chairs Debra Cooper and Dee Gelsomini.

BCA Full Staff Ladies

BCA Staff Ladies 2019

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“The commitment these young athletes have demonstrated toward helping those struggling with ovarian and breast cancer is truly amazing. Statistics show that many of these young women will be faced with a loved one battling these diseases in their lifetime and it is so encouraging to witness their compassion and support at such a young age. We are all in this together and we are so grateful for this new partnership with the Houston Dynamo | Dash.”  In the Pink of Health 2019-20 co-chairs Dee Gelsomini & Debra Cooper.


“Memorial Hermann The  Woodlands Medical Center will always be committed to the health of the community and to community involvement. This is why we are so very proud to see these young Dynamo | Dash athletes raise awareness and funds to support breast cancer in our community,” shares Senior VP and CEO Josh Urban. “It is never too early to start prioritizing health.”


"It was an amazing night, we are so honored to be affiliated with such a wonderful organization that does so much for women's health.  Our girls wear their pink shirts with great pride and it was heart warming to hear about the programs and initiatives that our donation goes toward." Randy Evans, Director of Coaching - Girls.

This program is presented by:

Hunter Ortho Check Presentation 2019

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“It is such an honor and a privilege to be a part of the Breast Cancer Awareness Program with the Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club.  They do a fantastic job of raising awareness throughout the month of October in our community.  My mother is fortunately a breast cancer survivor, so it brings me great joy to see all the pink shirts being worn by the athletes, knowing that the proceeds go towards finding a cure!”  Dr. Ross Hunter, Hunter Family Orthodontics.

Hunter Group 2019

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Partnerships

Richard Pardo Leon - Puerto Rico Soccer Federation Hall of Fame Class 2019

Posted on December 09, 2019 BY Simon Boddison
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Name: Richard Pardo Leon
Position: Right Forward 1972-1994
DOB: June 7, 1961 in Santurce, Puerto Rico
Parents: Angelo Pardo and Emma Pardo
Teams: Remanso FC, Southern Methodist University

"It is an honor to have been recognized and inducted for the Puerto Rico Soccer Federation Hall of Fame.The feeling is indescribable. I was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico where I started playing soccer at the age of 13. I played for El Remanso Futbol Club. I was very fortunate to be trained by professional Colombians from the Millonario FC. I developed and grew as a player to the point that I was noticed by the National Team scouts.I had the privilege and honor to play for the Puerto Rico national team where I attended to different international soccer events such as CONCAF, CARIBBEAN CUP, CENTRAL AMERICAN GAMES and the PAN AMERICANS GAMES. I was scouted and recruited by Southern Methodist University (SMU) where I also played and graduated with a BA.For the love of the game I decided to become a Coach / teacher and obtained my coaching licenses. Presently, I am coaching with one of the best clubs in the nation, Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club." Richard Pardo Leon, Dynamo | Dash Staff Coach.



National Idol. Great forward that never lost a ball, is remembered as one of the greatest offensive players in the history of Boricuan Soccer. A great part of his career was played for Remanso FC.

Successful winner. Thousands of Puerto Rican players could envy the amount of joy that Richard (better known as Richie) was able to celebrate in his impeccable career as a national and professional player. Pardo Leon, was a constant marker without letting the opponent think, deployment and perseverance to recover the ball and the orderly exit in the defensive area. Although he also had an obsession to play the ball well and deliver it accurately to his teammates. Something that most of the time he achieved and in that I never disappoint any of their national coaches.

He was the tool that any coach wanted in his scheme, the reliable player with a winning spirit. In between 1972 and 1994, Pardo Leon fought hundreds of sports battles wearing the shirts of Remanso FC (Puerto Rico), Clubs of Dallas, TX, Clubs of Houston, TX and Southern Methodist University (ranking top 10 of the nation 1979-1983), in national tournaments and in international competitions with the national team of Puerto Rico.

Right forward, nothing more or nothing less than a true winner. He knew how to take advantage of his position by his stature of 5'7 and enjoy a moment where the conquests were a common denominator and important.


"We are all so incredibly proud of Coach Richie and would like to congratulate him and his family for this amazing honor." Randy Evans, Senior Staff / Director of Coaching - Girls.

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Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps, programs or events in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

Houston DynamoDash websiteheader

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in Professional

College Commitments 2020 - Ian De Koster

Posted on December 05, 2019 BY Simon Boddison
Dynamo | Dash Youth is excited to congratulate Ian De Koster (2020 graduate) on his commitment to play college soccer at Rockhurst University (NCAA Div. II / Great Lakes Valley Conference).  
"I am truly grateful with God! It has been an amazing journey to accomplishing the dream. It’s been filled with joy, sacrifice, and lots of effort. I am very thankful for the support my family has given me and for all the people who have been a part of it. I have been playing with DDY for a long time and have learned a lot from the excellent coaches that have guided me on and off the field. Namely, Coach Nigel and Coach Bogdan; who have contributed to my development in different ways since U-12 and U-13."  Ian De Koster, Dynamo Woodlands 01/02 PA 1.
"Ian has been a very consistent player for the club and an absolute pleasure to coach over the years.  I look forward in following his success in college and we wish him the very best in his future academic and athletic endeavors."   Nigel Vaughan, Director of Coaching - Senior Boys.  

The club currently has twenty six (26) players that have committed from the 2020 and 2021 respective graduation classes.
The club's coaching staff will continue to provide professional guidance for all its current prospective student - athletes that are enrolled in the College Center Program.

College Center Information

This program is brought to you by:

Partnership Opportunities Available..........

Want to become a sponsor and get huge marketing exposure partnering with one of our camps in your local area, please contact Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations at or call (281) 825-8650

The Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club is the only club in Houston providing a full range of programming (boys / girls) with a complete pathway for the beginner through to the collegiate and professional levels.  Dynamo | Dash Youth exclusively offers soccer opportunities in the highest competitive youth league in the country - United States Soccer Development Academy.


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Posted in College


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