
Honey Bunches of Oats Frosted

Posted on October 12, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

Honey Bunches of Oats Picture (2)

Good afternoon - Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club Parents, 

Honey Bunches of Oats cereal is proud to be sponsoring youth soccer and is excited to be on the fields with your all-star soccer players! 

With our new Honey Bunches of Oats Frosted added to the lineup, there is a flavor for everyone in your family. Honey Bunches of Oats Frosted takes the two parts of Honey Bunches of Oats that people like the most; the granola and the frosted flakes and puts them together in one delicious cereal! 

Honey Bunches of Oats Beaumont 2020c-1

Don't forget, as part of their sponsorship this season, Honey Bunches of Oats is offering the chance to win a one year youth soccer scholarship and signed Major League Soccer Jersey! If you haven't entered yet, make sure to grab a video of your athlete to enter the Honey Bunch Challenge! Check out the details below:

Honey Bunches of Oats Gosling 2020b


  1. Post on social media and submit a video of your soccer star completing as many juggles of the soccer ball as they can in 30 seconds.  Use the hashtag #HoneyBunchChallenge and tag @hboats for your entry to count (Required, +2 entries!)
  2. Provide your email address so we can contact you with contest updates and other Honey Bunches of Oats cereal information (Required, +1 entry)
  3. Share the opportunity with your friends and family on social media and get even more entries! (Optional, up to +3 entries) 

Honey Bunches of Oats Gosling 2020

To enter, visit for instructions on how to enter and the official contest rules. 

Honey Bunches of Oats Gosling 2020c

Thank you for supporting YOUR Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club!


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Posted in Partnerships

Sienna Plantation Clinic

Posted on October 02, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

Siennna Soccer Clinic 2020The club partnered with the Divine Savior Academy last Wednesday for a free soccer clinic attended by 37 boys and girls in Sienna Plantation, TX.  The professional coaches delivered a session from the Dynamo | Dash curriculum focusing fundamental techniques of dribbling and 1v1 attacking.

The following coaching staff were involved: Steve Williams - GA2 Head Coach; Daymon Couvillon - Central Head Coach; Andy Squire - Central Director.

It was a pleasure working with such respectful and hard-working kids.   As our programming grows in the Sienna area, we look forward to seeing them again soon.  I wanted to say a special thank you to Mr. Tyler Morgan (Athletic Director) and Mr. Patrick Cortright (Principal) for giving us this opportunity and providing us access to their facility.” 

Andy Squire – Central Director.

"We want to thank Andy and all the coaches who came out to DSA to provide this clinic! Our students really enjoyed the opportunity to grow their soccer skills!"

 Tyler Morgan, 6th Grade Teacher / Athletic Director - Divine Savior Academy

To learn more about DDY Central Programming serving the residents of Sugar Land, Sienna, Pearland, Stafford, Missouri City, West University & Houston, please contact Andrew Squire, Central Director at


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Posted in Camps

Hunter Family Orthodontics - Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Posted on September 21, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
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The club is very excited to announce that its annual Breast Cancer Awareness Program led by the Girls Academy will be brought to you by Hunter Family Orthodontics.  The money raised will help off-set some Girls Academy program costs, plus a yearly donation will also be provided to In the Pink of Health / Memorial Hermann Foundation.
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Posted in Partnerships

Honey Bunches of Oats Partnership 2020

Posted on September 21, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

Honey Bunches of Oats Promo Picture

Enter to win a one year youth soccer scholarship ($1,000 value) from Honey Bunches of Oats cereal!

Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club Members,

This season we are proud to have Honey Bunches of Oats cereal as a club sponsor. 

Honey Bunches of Oats knows that youth soccer brings communities together. Now, more than ever, they want to ensure young athletes have the opportunity to build their skills, connect with their community, and have the ability to participate in youth soccer. 

As part of their sponsorship this season, Honey Bunches of Oats is offering the chance to win a one year youth soccer scholarship and signed Major League Soccer Jersey! There will be three winners this season that will receive the following prizes: 

  1. Grand Prize: A full year of registration costs covered by Honey Bunches of Oats cereal, a $500 sporting good's gift card of choice, and a signed MLS jersey.
  2. First Prize: A full year of registration costs covered by Honey Bunches of Oats cereal, a $500 sporting good's gift card of choice.
  3. Second Prize: A full year of registration costs covered by Honey Bunches of Oats cereal.

Honey Bunches of Oats 1


  1. Post on social media and submit a video of your soccer star completing as many juggles of the soccer ball as they can in 30 seconds.  Use the hashtag #HoneyBunchChallenge and tag @hboats for your entry to count (Required, +2 entries!)
  2. Provide your email address so we can contact you with contest updates and other Honey Bunches of Oats cereal information (Required, +1 entry)
  3. Share the opportunity with your friends and family on social media and get even more entries! (Optional, up to +3 entries) 

To enter, visit for instructions on how to enter and the official contest rules. 

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Thank you for supporting YOUR Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club!


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Posted in Partnerships

Houston Pre Labor Day Cup 2020

Posted on September 16, 2020 BY Simon Boddison

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Over one hundred and twenty teams visited the club from across the city and surrounding states to play in the Houston Pre Labor Day Cup (re-scheduled) in the club's second pre-season tournament. All the games were played in Friendswood, Clear Lake and Alvin, TX, September 12-13, 2020. 



Medical services were brought to you by: 

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 Hotel accommodations are brought to you by:

TTS Horiz logo Color -2 

PreLabor Day Cup-1"Thank you to all the teams, coaches, managers, volunteers, referees and sponsors for all their support of the tournament. It’s the effort from everyone involved that makes this a premier pre-season youth soccer event in South Texas. It was another fantastic opportunity for the teams to play together again prior to starting their fall league season which is just around the corner."

Jason DeVore, Director of Pre-Labor Day Cup 2020


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Posted in Tournament

Disability Soccer Program 2020

Posted on September 10, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
Cp Soccer Logo 2_Shield Big
The Disability Program (CP / TOPS Soccer) will conduct training sessions on Saturdays starting on September 19 thru November 14, 2020 at two locations: Bear Branch, The Woodlands and Dad's Fields, Clear Lake (CP only).
Disability Program Quick Facts:
  • CP participants must have ambulatory cerebral palsy, stroke, hemiplegia or traumatic brain injury which affects their motor coordination yet still enables them to run and kick a ball
  • CP is a feeder program for the Para 7 a-side national team
  • Newest member of US Soccer Federation
  • Ability to join national CP soccer club teams for tournaments around the globe
  • No prior experience needed
  • Identification process for national team tournaments at U10, U15 & U21 
  • Fall 2020 starts the third year as a program
  • 60-90 minutes of training once a week during the recreational season 
  • Coached by Director of Coaching, Coach Keith Johnson (USA Paralympic GK - 101 Caps) and Gabriel Hull (current USA U-21 Paralympic national team member) 
  • Players with autism and all disabilities welcome

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"We are very much looking forward to the opening day of training at both locations. The program and opportunities continue to expand in Houston and within the country. The training sessions and environment will be specifically designed conducive for disability soccer."  Keith Johnson, Director of Coaching - Disability Soccer (USA Men's Paralympic Team, 101 Caps)

Disability Program 1


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Posted in Disability Program

Academy Sports + Outdoors Partnership 2020-21

Posted on August 31, 2020 BY Simon Boddison



The club is very excited to announce our latest partnership with Academy Sports + Outdoors for the 2020-21 season. Online access at a click of a button, plus thirty two (32) physical stores located in Houston and surrounding areas will be easily accessible to our membership.

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"Academy Sports + Outdoors is thrilled to be the official sporting goods retailer for the Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club. Academy has a strong assortment of sports equipment at a great value to help athletes get what they need to have fun and play safe.” 

Elise Hasbrook, Vice President, Communications & Regional Marketing

"This new partnership is a perfect fit for our entire membership who participate in multiple sports and outdoor activities.  The ability to order online or purchase in the stores will benefit our families that are located right across the city. Academy Sports + Outdoors have an array of sports equipment with first class customer service and we look forward to this valued partnership."

Simon Boddison, Director of Soccer Operations


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Posted in Partnerships, Academy Sports + Outdoors

Honey Bunches of Oats Survey

Posted on August 31, 2020 BY Simon Boddison


Please take less than one minute to complete this very short survey. If you include your email, you will be entered to win a $100 Academy Sports + Outdoors gift card.  

Please support the Houston Dynamo | Dash Youth Soccer Club!



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Posted in Partnerships

Houston Youth Cup 2020

Posted on August 24, 2020 BY Simon Boddison
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Two hundred and ten (210) teams visited the club from across the city and surrounding states to play in the Houston Youth Cup 2020 our prestigious pre-season tournament.  The event was brought to you by Mia's Table.

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Posted in Tournament

Ellen Persson - Sweden Pre-season Training Camp

Posted on August 21, 2020 BY Simon Boddison


 Ellen Persson - Girls Academy '04 
Persson Head Shot

Kvarnsvedens IK


The club reached out to Ellen to ask some questions regarding her exciting trip to Sweden after having recently returned from training with Kvarnsveden which is a professional team located in Borlänge / Dalarna County.

Q.  Which club did you train at and for how long during the summer?
A. I trained with the club Kvarnsveden’s u19 team in Borlänge, Sweden. Their first week of training back was my last week in Sweden, so I was able to go to 3 practices. My plan is to practice with them again next summer.

Persson Action 1
Q. What did you find different training in Sweden with a professional team than training with the Houston Dash?
A. I noticed there was a technical emphasis in their practices and all the players were very skilled. They also worked tactically and let the players find their own solutions to different situations that might happen in a game.

Ellen Florida Showcase Dec2018
Q.  What were the most challenging things that you incurred while training overseas?
A. I found the language was challenging at first because I didn’t know some soccer terms in Swedish like “man on”, but they helped me and I learned quickly.

Persson Action
Q. What did you enjoy about the experience of training with the club?
A. I liked meeting the players and coaches, they were really friendly. I thought it was super fun to be able to play with players my age from another country and to see what the quality was like, which ended up being really good. I also liked the chilly temperature😊.

Q. What are your expectations for the new fall season with the Dash?
A. Train hard and have good competition.

Q. If there’s any advice for the younger female players in the club, what would this be?
A. Always work hard and have fun. 

“Ellen has been an integral part of our program and the 04 GA team.  We are happy and excited that she got an opportunity to train with Kvarnsveden. We know that this will continue to push her development on and off the field.” Omar Morales, Girls Academy Head Coach.


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Posted in Professional


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