A record-breaking number of teams from the Girls Academy Program played in their respective national playoffs in Oceanside, California at SoCal Sports Complex from June 22-29. The Dash 2009 Girls had a great run, ultimately losing on a PK in the final against the Colorado Rush, 0-1. The event attracted hundreds of college coaches to recruit. Additionally, several USA national coaches attended the games, scouting for potential future players for the United States soccer youth national team(s).
The Girls Academy teams continue to compete against the very best in the country with outstanding results. Our challenging training environment, game schedule, and overall player developmental pathway help bring the best out of our players. Based upon our coaches’ care and our players’ efforts, DDY players receive a record number of college scholarship offers each year.
"The GA put on an amazing event. Overall it was a great learning opportunity and experience. I can’t wait to go back to more events in the future," said Carden 'Flori' Allison, Dash Academy 2009 Captain.
On all levels, the GA excelled on the national stage in Oceanside. "The Girls Academy playoffs highlighted our success and improvement in the last 12 months. We wrapped up the season with one (1) champions league finalist, two (2) semi-finalists, five (5) teams qualifying for playoffs, and one national championship finalist," remarked Steve Grave, Dash Academy 2009 Head Coach. "More importantly, the event allowed our prospective student-athletes to showcase their talents in front of hundreds of college coaches. I could not be more proud of all the players, families, and staff involved in the program."

If interested in the club's summer camp program, register now below or visit our website for a full list of soccer programming available at www.dynamodashyouth.com