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Dash City North teams travel to Las Vegas

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Dash City 11 North and Dash City 12 North attended the Las Vegas Mayor's Cup | International Tournament and Showcase over the weekend of February 24-26

Day 1:
The trip started with a training session with Coaches Mike Openshaw (Dash City North Director) & Stuart Taylor (GA2 Head Coach) in preparation for the event. After a team lunch, both teams visited the Las Vegas welcome sign for a photo opportunity before heading to their hotels for downtime. After dinner, the teams walked to the Bellagio hotel fountains for another photo opportunity.

Day 2:
The second day featured game competition. Dash City 11 North beat ISC Gunners 11G Pre-GA & Boise Timbers 11G Nationals to secure their place in the semi-finals on Sunday. Dash City 12 North came out on top against Colorado Rapids Central 12G Select 1 & Boise Timbers 12G Nationals.

Both teams advanced to their finals after their 3rd game. Dash City 12 North beat Mustang Soccer 12G Pre-ECNL & Dash City 11 North beat Arsenal Colorado 11G Academy in the semi-final. 

Dash City 12 North fell in the final to the Las Vegas Heat 12G Pre-ECNL team, while the Dash City 11 North came out on top beating La Roca 11G C Santos.

“We are incredibly proud of the 2011 and 2012 North City teams’ efforts last weekend, competing outside the state of Texas for the first ever time. Both teams have worked extremely hard in training over the last several weeks and to come home from Nevada with 7 wins from 8 games is a great return." said Mike Openshaw, Dash City North Director.  "I would like to thank the parents for being on board to make this trip happen. The players gained some valuable experience playing against great competition from California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Washington, thus creating some fantastic memories. I look forward to seeing the players continue to grow within our City Program." 

"Both teams represented themselves, the club and Houston extremely well this weekend," said Stuart Taylor, Dash GA2 Head Coach.  "The 2011's played against #1 team in Washington, the #2 teams in Colorado & Idaho and the #6 team in Utah and came out on top only conceding one goal all weekend. This group has a bright future and I am excited to be a part of it."   

To arrange an evaluation with the Dash City North program, please email