The Woodlands, Texas — (December 23, 2018) - the club continued to make coaching education for it's staff a huge priority providing support and encourage staff members to continually take educational courses to stay in touch with the newest developments in the game. The following staff have completed or are currently attending the coaching educational courses domestically and internationally listed below:
Coaching Staff:
- David Dengerink - United States Soccer Federation Academy Director Course, San Diego, CA; Manchester, England; Sarasota, FL; Denver, CO.
- Darron Rush - United States Soccer Federation 'A' License, Kansas City, KS.
- Juan Javier Sosa Izquierdo - United States Soccer Federation 'A' License, Kansas City, KC.
- Radojica Ristic - United States Soccer Federation 'B' License, Kansas City, KS.
- Jason Madvig - United States Soccer Federation 'B' License, Kansas City, KS; Soccer Management and Scouting, Sports Management Worldwide, Talent Identification in Football, Evidence-Based Coaching & Match Analysis, Opposition Scouting & Analysis (online)
- Victor Olivares - United States Soccer Federation 'C' License, Frisco, TX; Certificate in Neuroscience & Training, Certificate in Training for Team Sports, Barcelona Innovation Hub.
- Chris Kidd - United States Soccer Federation 'C' License, New Braunfels, TX.
- Limage Ednie - United States Soccer Federation National 'D' License & Goalkeeping Diploma, Houston, TX.
- Christopher Barnett - United States Soccer Federation 'D', Grassroots, 4 vs. 4, 7 vs. 7 License, Houston, TX.
- Goran Joseski - United States Soccer Federation 'D' License, Port Arthur, TX.
- Simon Boddison - Youth Club Administrator Professional Development Certificate, Philadelphia, PA
- Phil Ebner - Youth Club Administrator Professional Development Certificate, Philadelphia, PA
"Coaching Education is very much a priority and is strongly encouraged within the club. There are multiple courses offered on a wide range of topics and it's fantastic that we have a very active coaching staff that continually look to improve their education levels within the game." Dave Dengerink, Director of Coaching Education.