HTX Youth Soccer Club - Latest News

Coaching Staff Personal Development

Written by Simon Boddison | Jun 21, 2022 5:47:32 PM


Pictured above: Jorge Escobar and Benito Kemble

As part of the club’s mission and dedication to our members, personal development is a serious priority. We are very excited to announce that the following coaches have attained higher coaching certifications during the spring season through the United States Soccer Federation.  

  • Benito Kemble & Jorge Escobar - 'A' License  
  • Enrique Sanjuan - 'B' License 
  • Johannus Cuarezma, Marcus Watt, Luis Flores & Jonny Haigh - 'C' License 

Dave Dengerink, the Coaching Education Director for the Dynamo Dash Youth, said, "I would like to congratulate the staff that have worked tremendously hard to continue with their coaching education in attaining higher licensing from our governing body of US Soccer”. Our coaching staff is the best in Houston, and we want to make sure we are investing in every opportunity for them to become more educated in their craft.    

As our coaches develop their skill sets, we aspire to use that knowledge to maximize the potential of our players.  Dengerink continued, "the club is committed to the continuing education and development of our coaching staff.  A great way to support the players on their development pathway is to provide the resources and development opportunities for those coaches providing the guidance."